


陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场致力于可持续发展, focused on reducing the environmental footprint of our packaging 和 production activities. We are global stewards at the forefront of incorporating advanced technologies 和 eco-conscious manufacturing techniques.

云顶集团赌场的方法是全面的, emphasizing the development of reusable packaging solutions that are not only innovative but are also made from materials that are responsibly sourced 和 fully recyclable. 这一承诺贯穿于云顶集团赌场的整个运营过程, ensuring that every aspect of our process contributes to a more sustainable future.

“30多年来,陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场’ mission has been to provide innovative solutions for our customers while giving back to our 社区,陨石坑说。 & 云顶集团赌场公司首席执行官马修·施米茨说. “核心任务没有改变, 和 our new initiatives demonstrate an eco-responsibility that contributes to a better world.”


当今世界面临着前所未有的生态挑战. From climate change to meeting the resource needs of rapidly growing populations, it’s clear businesses must do their part to minimize their impact on the environment 和 protect our planet.

在陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场, we continuously strive to enhance the sustainability of our operations 和 supply chain. Our dedication to minimizing our ecological impact drives us to explore 和 adopt new, 更环保的方法和材料.

云顶集团赌场优先使用可回收材料并寻求创意, 环保包装和物流解决方案. 通过这些努力, 云顶集团赌场为客户提供有效的服务, 可靠和可持续.

Our initiatives serve two important purposes: They support a healthier planet 和 assist our customers in achieving their social responsibility 和 sustainability goals.

的陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场 sustainability policy is built around ambitious goals that align with our mission to be an industry leader in environmental stewardship:


送货卡车We continually research 和 implement innovative methods 和 materials that reduce environmental impact, focusing on developing sustainable packaging 和 logistics solutions.


ISPM-15认证板条箱We work closely with our customers to meet their sustainability requirements, offering products 和 services that enable them to achieve their social responsibility objectives.


100%再生纸泡沫We prioritize the use of recycled 和 recyclable materials in our operations 和 services, aiming to increase the proportion of sustainable materials in our supply chain.


带有环保意识标志的木制圆盘We foster a culture of sustainability within our organization through employee training 和 awareness programs 和 extend these efforts to our partners 和 community.





云顶集团赌场也利用 环保包装解决方案 whenever possible, including cornstarch-based foam 和 other biodegradable materials. 另外,云顶集团赌场可持续来源的木材 不断设计更智能的包装解决方案. We also strive to engage with vendors 和 other industry partners that share our focus on eco-friendly operations.

通过实施可持续发展政策, 陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场云顶集团赌场的地球和社会做出积极贡献 raises the bar for environmental responsibility within the crating 和 shipping industry. We are dedicated to adapting 和 evolving our practices to meet today’s challenges 和 are well-positioned to address new ones down the road.


可持续性 is fundamental to our operations 和 always top-of-mind in the decisions we make 和 actions we take. 云顶集团赌场在环形山实施的绿色解决方案 & 云顶集团赌场包括:



Our focus is on leveraging recycled 和 recyclable resources within our operations 和 offerings, with the goal of enhancing the share of sustainable materials throughout our supply chain.



Plastic wrap is essential in shipping but doesn’t have to contribute to l和fills. 云顶集团赌场可以利用一种胶片 像纸一样可生物降解零微塑料.



Researchers continue to develop new eco-friendly materials for use in crating 和 shipping operations (like 绿色泡沫纸泡膜),使用这些解决方案可提高云顶集团赌场服务的可持续性.



We develop innovative shipping containers that provide proven protection for contents 和 are easy to disassemble 和 store for future use.



These rugged, protective shells can be reused countless times, reducing resource needs.



云顶集团赌场从不满足于可持续发展的成功. 例如, we have packaging engineers on staff who are continuously finding new ways to make our operations even greener.






陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场 strives to balance our use of wood for crates by doing our part to replenish this vital natural resource 和 promote conservation.

Our company is a long-time supporter of 未来的树木 和 the 植树节基金会. Their tireless efforts to create 和 maintain thriving forests 和 strong, healthy ecosystems align with our ambitious sustainability goals 和 efforts.

更重要的是,植树提供的好处远远超出了云顶集团赌场的行业. 它可以刺激贫困地区的经济, 从而产生深远的影响,如减少粮食不安全. 重新造林也增加了生物多样性, 哪个对气候调节和健康的地球至关重要. These 和 many other benefits combine to improve the lives of people in 社区 worldwide.


As an organization, 未来的树木 has planted over 340 million trees. 云顶集团赌场很自豪地说,陨石坑 & 云顶集团赌场公司资助种植 超过932,500棵树 到目前为止.

联合国世界修复旗舰, 未来的树木 promotes ecosystem restoration by helping farmers to practice the “Forest Garden Approach.” This form of agriculture restores l和, improves biodiversity 和 captures carbon.


成立于1972年 植树节基金会 is the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees. 和他们的伴侣一起, the Foundation has helped plant more than 500 million trees in neighborhoods, 社区, 世界各地的城市和森林. The Foundation’s vision is to lead toward a world where trees are used to solve issues critical to survival. 通过他们的成员, 合作伙伴和项目, 植树节基金会鼓励世界各地的人们种植, 培育和庆祝树木.

到目前为止,陨石坑 & 货轮已支持种植30棵,在美国有1000棵树, 云顶集团赌场将继续支持基金会的努力.


在陨石坑 & 货主们,云顶集团赌场知道在当今复杂的世界里, 可持续发展不是一个“目的地”,而是一段旅程.

云顶集团赌场热衷于发展环保实践, 和 we’re an industry leader in adopting the latest sustainable materials/technologies. 通过与云顶集团赌场的客户和商业伙伴的合作,陨石坑 & 货轮继续寻找更好的方法来节约资源, 保护环境,支持更健康的地球.

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